Developer resources
Welcome to /dev, our resource area for Web developers and netheads.
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Random stuff!
This page provides a selection of randomly-generated strings and hashes for use as passwords, API keys etc.
Please note the randomness is not produced using any significant amount of cleverness (hint - PHP's mt_rand() features heavily), so overall you'd be ill-advised to use any key generated here for anything really secret squirrel. That said, this sorta thing is good enough for most of us, most of the time, for a quick FTP password or as a seed for something more secure, like PGP.
To generate a new set, just refresh the page. And no, we don't store any of these...
Random data
Random UUID (Version 4):
Random 32-digit decimal number :
Random 256-character ASCII text string :
Random 256-character Hex string :
043a1cf900bffd7fa9c602fb3918aa15f353c2a70ee88e9cd78b19198f120b51 ced7c39c9a4c793bd3b57cde2fe58f47b7c8b783851ad3fa683f75420065dd2f 50cfbf40135cbff6ce2af7dd58c2c8735680e62ce8351367905ddb27f7f46cda 957434adcfaf3ac866e1cb21acea573f99c7be8c2d97b929bd2b3c607a3c27ff
Random 12-character password :
(This removes potentialy ambiguous characters like l and 1 so isn't as full a symbol set as a true random string)
Random word / name :
(This attempts to create a random alpha string, but with some combinations of characters disallowed to produce a result which is more pronouncable and "looks" a little more like an English-language word)
Random memorable secure passphrase :
Want a hash? Just paste your source text, and we'll churn it into MD5 and SHA-1 for you. Again, there are no salts or anything clever built-in here - if you like your hash lightly salted, sprinkle before baking...