Developer resources
Welcome to /dev, our resource area for Web developers and netheads.
All tools and information on this site are provided "as is", and carry absolutely no warranty whatsoever!
Zen Solutions accepts no responsibility for any effects, defects, failures or inaccuracies.
That said, if you do find any problems, please contact us and give us your feedback.
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Courier Tracking Information
OK, so this isn't even remotely technical, but it is hugely useful. AfterShip provides a wonderful service which is basically an interface to the APIs of most of the world's major post and courier companies. This means that you can check tracking information for any shipping code here, rather than trying to find the website for some obscure Chinese freight company who are shipping your latest eBay purchase...
Enter your tracking ID code
<disclaimer>This form just sends the tracking code you enter to AfterShip - you'll then be dealing with their website.
Zen Solutions takes no responsibilty for that, as they are nothing to do with us!
Please also note that this widget loads a fairly large Javascript file from AfterShip;
it doesn't look as if it does anything naughty other than demonstrate how to write ubsurdly bloated widgets,
but we haven't studied it terribly closely.
So don't blame us if it throws cookies at you, tracks your every move on the Interweb, triggers an alien invasion
of Kansas, or is otherwise annoying or harmful.
If you'd be happier checking out AfterShip themselves, their website is
None of the information you send to this page is recorded or used in any way by Zen Solutions. We can't say what AfterShip might do wih it though!